Have you ever wanted to plant daffodil? Are you wondering what it takes to get the best daffodil plants? You are about to find out everything you need to know about planting Daffodil Bulbs. These bulbs grow to become daffodil plant, an important source of perfume scent and a valuable horticultural crop. The scent does not come from the alkaloids in the bulbs, but from the essential oils found in the bulbs.
Drainage and temperature
The bulbs take a year before the daffodil plant has matured. They must be planted in a way that they can endure the winter season without being damaged. This means planting them at a depth that will shield them from the freezing temperatures. It is recommended to at least plant the bulbs at a depth of 7″. This ensures that they can survive temperatures into the teens for days or over a week.
Another factor to consider is well drained soil. The bulbs will “drown” if planted in water logged soils or in containers that do not drain water properly. Make sure to plant the bulb in a container that is perforated at the bottom to drain out the water. During freezing temperatures, water around the bulb will freeze and lower the temperature around the bulb. This is another reason why well drained soils are a must for growth and survival of the daffodil plant.
Soil pH.
The daffodil bulbs grow best in soil pH levels of at least 7.0. Even though they can tolerate a little variance, the best practise is to ensure the soil is at the right pH in the first place. If the pH level is about at 5.4, you may need to add lime to the soil and mix it well to raise it to maybe 7.5. This must be done before planting the bulbs. Otherwise if the bulbs are left in a low pH environment, they are likely to die or not do well. To get the best pH results, follow the instructions on the lime bag.
Once the daffodil blooms, the dying flowers have to be picked off and discarded. There are two reasons for doing these. The first is to prevent the mould from the dying flower infecting the rest of the plant. Otherwise the mould infection will stop the growing cycle of the daffodil plant. The second and equally important is to make sure the plant stores its energy reserves in the bulb rather than the seedpod, which is located just behind the flower-head. The energy reserves in the bulb are used for the next year’s production. This cannot happen if the seedpod is not plucked along with the flower head.
Rodents and Deer
Unlike tulips and crocus bulbs which are attacked by rodents, the daffodil bulbs are poisonous and can be safely grown without worry. However, deer are a danger to the sprouting flowers. One should therefore keep this in mind and take the necessary precautions.
With the above facts in mind, growing the daffodil plant is quite rewarding financially. If you have any comments or questions, please post them below.